Conduit Calculator




Select conduit:

What is the trade size of the conduit?

What is the maximum percentage of conduit fill?

Search by Part # or description:
*Only one cable can be added when calculating how much a conduit can hold

Part Number Description Add
{{result.ItemNumber}} {{result.Description}}
Part Number Description Quantity Delete
{{part.itemNumber}} {{part.description}}

Cable Diameter ({{unit.unit}}):
*Only one cable can be added when calculating how much a conduit can hold

OD Quantity Delete
{{cable.text()|number:0}} {{cable.text()}} {{unit.unit}}

Conduit needs to be:
Not Enough Info:

Please input or select an entry for all fields

Number of Cables:


Not Enough Info:

Please input or select an entry for all fields

% Filled:


Not Enough Info:

Please input or select an entry for all fields